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The Family Jewels

Welcome to the fan site for your favorite band! From 1991 to 2002, TFJ rocked the country and the world with their sounds. The fun lives on here. Go and explore!

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TFJ Facebook Page and Instagram are Incredible!

Not really, but it's where you'll get the most up-to-date information about the greatest band you know. Pictures, responses, posts, and breaking news!


Click below or visit @thefamilyjewelsband on Instagram.


Fan Club Hits 10,000 Members

Total bullshit, but it could have been possible if the internet was what it is today back then. Fans across the United States sang along to TFJ based tapes being passed from one deranged soul to another. Welcome aboard you squirrels, it's a little late, but we dig it.


Eargasms aplenty!
Check out The Family Jewels music!

Music, Music, and more TFJ music!
Listen with our player and download your favorites!

Record Heads

Photos and Video Evidence

Relive the days The Family Jewels rocked the fabled NYC village scene of the '90s, their North Jersey stomping ground, Philadelphia, and select bars and clubs throughout the United States.


TFJ Stage Performer Hall of Fame

They were the sung and unsung heroes of the famed TFJ Live Performance. Future record producers, teachers, savants, and Emo band frontmen who risked their sanity (and physical safety) to bring every TFJ song to life. Ladies and gents, the legendary TFJ stage performers.


Who We Are

We're invisible now. The bees can't touch us.

Rock Stage

"The Family Jewels are a bizarre roller-coaster ride through the minds of some seriously damaged units. A close knit group of four (who seem to share one warped brain), The Family Jewels systematically grind down insanity and humor to their purest forms, creating a catchy warp/quirk rock that has been proclaimed "brainless brilliance" or "pop/rock expansionism." ~ Aquarian/East Coast Rocker Magazine

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All songs by The Family Jewels Copyright © 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002 Brian Barry, Michael Miller, John Underwood.
© 2018 The Family Jewels Website proudly created with

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